
A comparative view: MVVM vs. other architectures

When it comes to choosing an architecture pattern for developing an application, developers often compare different patterns to determine which one is best suited for their specific needs. The MVVM architecture is often compared to other popular architectures such as MVC (Model-View-Controller) and MVP (Model-View-Presenter).


In the MVP architecture, the Presenter acts as a communication route between the model and the view. This solution reduces the dependence of the view on the model. However, in MVVM, the system is more event-driven, and the separation of the view from the underlying business logic is easier. In MVP, the user interface is used more often, while MVVM does not have a user interface model layer. In MVVM, observables are required because there is no view layer. The MVVM architecture sends the user data directly to the ViewModel, bypassing the presenter layer.


Both MVC and MVVM are popular choices for software architecture in application development. MVC is a classic design pattern that is often chosen by many developers. However, MVVM offers a more modern approach, especially through the use of data binding to automatically update the user interface. In MVC, the controller is responsible for determining which view to display in response to any action, including user input. In contrast, MVVM uses a binder to automatically synchronize between the View and the ViewModel, thereby reducing the need for manual intervention.